• Question: does the universe have an end

    Asked by anon-325560 on 3 May 2022.
    • Photo: Fiona Travers

      Fiona Travers answered on 3 May 2022:

      Wow, what a great question! A short answer is- We donā€™t know!

      We can only see as far as light can travel in 13.4 Billion years (the age of our Universe), so itā€™s possible that the Universe goes on forever, and we can only see a big bubble inside that (called the Observable Universe). Some people have an idea that itā€™s maybe ā€œinfinite but boundedā€ which basically means if you started off in one direction, youā€™d eventually get back to where you started, like If you walked around the world.

    • Photo: Nigel Fisher

      Nigel Fisher answered on 3 May 2022:

      Fantastic question to which the answer is probably. This is exactly why you should look at being a scientist. Scientists are simply folk who wonder about life and the universe and seek to find answers.
